The purpose of the U11 AA – Notification of Tryout Form is to allow access to U11 AA programming for those who do not have access to a team within their resident MHA. Players who do not have access to a U11 AA team(s) within their registered MHA will be permitted to pursue a tryout with a U11 AA hosting MHA that is accepting tryout players.
- Players who reside outside of a U11 AA hosting MHA cannot be prohibited from pursuing a U11 AA tryout by their resident MHA.
- U11 AA hosting MHAs are permitted to refuse to accept players from outside of their association.
- If a player does not make the U11 AA team that they are evaluating with, the player must return to their resident MHA.
- There will not be second tryouts permitted.
- Players who reside within an MHA that is hosting U11 AA must pursue U11 AA with that MHA.
U11 AA - Notification of Tryout Form
This form must be completed and presented to the U11 AA hosting MHA first, before a player is eligible to participate in that teams’ evaluations. It is understood by all parties that should the player be chosen as a member of the designated team, the U11 AA hosting MHA will notify the players’ Resident MHA.