RED DEER - Six communities across the province are set to celebrate Hockey Alberta’s second annual Alberta Hockey Day on Saturday, January 20.
Brooks, High Level, Paradise Valley, Red Deer, Strathmore and Westlock will all host a variety of activities on Alberta Hockey Day, as well as the day before and after, with a special focus on age-appropriate programming at the Initiation and Novice levels.
Fun and interactive on-ice activities are scheduled throughout the day, with special skills development clinics and other events, along with a variety of off-ice sessions and seminars for players, coaches and parents. All events are designed for both new and existing participants in our great sport with a focus on fun, skills and friendships.
Many on-ice events are based around teams’ pre-existing ice times, while other on and off-ice events are open to the public to attend, with several coach instructional streams requiring registration ahead of time.
Albertans are encouraged to join in on the Alberta Hockey Day celebrations - which coincides with Hockey Day in Canada - by attending the events nearest them.